MilliLanyard® Swivel™


SKU: MilliLanyard Swivel Categories: , ,

MilliLanyard® Swivel™

Throw Thieves for a Loop

Key Features

  • Unique rotating 4” lanyard prevents twisting to pull the pin
  • Quick application and removal reduces labor costs up to 70%
  • 3-in-1 design for easy storage
  • Small, light and highly versatile
  • Choice of AM or RF

Common Applications

  • Handbags
  • Footwear
  • Belts
  • Accessories
  • Outerwear
  • Sporting goods
  • Hardware



  • Product code:
  • Frequency:
    • 58 KHz or 8.2 MHz
  • Dimensions:
    • 1.86” L x 0.87” W x 0.96” D
  • Weight:
    • 0.36 oz
  • *Come in Bags of 100